Lewis Creek Paddling Notes Dunno what precisely you're thinking of. I usually put in at the upper covered bridge (on Roscoe Road) and take out at the lower covered bridge, where Lewis Creek Rd and Spear St. meet. That's a fun little Class I-II run (depending on water level). You'll hit some deadwater a little ways down. Take out at the dam there and do a tricky portage over the ledges there. Then there's some fun, shallow ledges right before the Bridge. You can put in higher up, at Baldwin road, and then watch out for the class III chute right above the upper covered bridge. And you can paddle several miles of the same sort of stuff down to North Ferrisburgh. But I'm not really familiar with that section. There's another class III ledge in there. And some falls right above north ferrisburgh. I don't know how to take out there, other than sneaking through someone's yard. And I don't remember how to recognize the falls. The river guide is mum on that stretch, so I guess there might be an access issue. I think Lewis Creek should be runnable, but possibly scratchy. Don't really know though, since it doesn't really follow the same pattern of the other rivers, since it doesn't drain much of the mountains, unlike nearly every other river in the state. If it doesn't look like it's running, both Otter Creek and South Slang might be fun, scenic alternatives. I can try to call my Dad tomorrow, so he can look on his drive down.