Perennial Exchange Conversation Notes (11/09) Come up with a shared vision (15 min) -Integrate in with other stuff-assett map -Seemed like we are going to get a point where we've got some established perenials in peoples yards - at that point it is really a communication issue - how to disibute. I know someone has ostrich fern - it would be nice to have a consolidate place -how we can create that fraemwork that people My input is the text side - how to create the database - other thought the need to market it - Giving away plants! Be part of it - collecting as well as dispersing - and a place to have a bank of perennial - nic Imagining a timebank type of interface - people post what they what- searching for black eyed susans. There are a lot of organizations that would be supportive of this - Burlington Gardens - as well flesh out this idea - bring it Outline the steps necessary (15 min) 1) Making and list and connect -Guage interest - 2) Outreach Central place Oh man I'd love to have comfrey - as organizers - we are creating the forum - often the person who wants to have the plant - to help get rid of it Is the Green Map searchable? Challenge of the current format - people that submit information - up to Jon to place it on the map - maintenance issue. Maybe it could be something different - a different element on the green map... Is there anything pre-built? -Simple as a message board? -Blog? Matt likes the Drupal idea!! Create it the way we want it - Timebank envision - where people post needs and haves - Not tracking Discuss roles and responsibilities, timeline ( Marketing Mark and Jon Newspa Building -Matt and Noah Keep all informed Pull together a something Brand a Burlington Permaculture?? Funding? Responable time invested 20 hours, 20 hrs - helping to increase scope and visibility - it would be nice to find money down the Once built - could be part of a bunch of different we build these pieces