GALEN CONTRACT 1: $50 toward food and utility expenses for occasional occupancy BEGINNING DATE: November 2nd ENDING DATE: November 15th Fees paid to Noah (50% Food, 50% Utilities) Implications: Discount Hien and David 12.50 each toward November bills, payable by Noah. CONTRACT 2: $4/Day, 1/4 of utilities for time period (all except telephone) BEGININING DATE: November 15th TENTATIVE ENDING DATE: December 17h CONTRACT 3: Sublet of Noah's Room: December 18th-January 16th Per Diem Expenses: $7/Night payable to Noah 1/3 of utilities divided between Noah and Galen via following formula: VARIABLES: X: Total Utilities (Sans Phone) for time period of December 18th-January 16th Y: Phone Z: % occupancy by Galen A: Utilities owed by Noah: B: Utilities owed by Galen: FORMULAS: A= (100-Z)/100*X+(1/3*Y) B=(Z/100)*X