Old VRC Worklog 6/11 Meeting (1.25) 6/11 Scope writing (.75) 6/13 Gathering contacts (1) 6/16 8:00-10:45, 11:20-12:20, (3.75) 12:45-1:30 (Travel Cost Research) (.75) (10 Min: Check message and return call) Specific Site (.15) 6/17 (7:50-7:30) Interview, etc. (.75??) 6/18 6:50-7:00 Prep.. left Burlington at 10:45. Worked through 6:45. (8.25) .6/19: 7-9, 11:15-2:45. (5.5) 6/20 11:55-1:55 (2) 6/23 11:00-12:00, 2:55-3:25 (1.5) 25.75 hrs total 6/25 9:05-11:20, 3:20-7:20 (4.25) 6/26 3:50-4:30, 5:15-6:55,7:15-8:15 (3.25) 6/27 7:40-9:15, 11:15-11:55 (1.1) 7/2 20 min (.33) 7/3 (.5) 7/4 (40 min) (.66) 7/5 (3.25) 7/6 -7/7 (2.25 hours) 7/8 8:30-9:30 (1) 7/11 (.25) ALL SUBMITTED 8/21 1:30, 3:00, Revisions; meeting; etc. (1.5) X/,X, Project Planning, Writing scope of work (1) X,X, Project Planning, Communication with Monica (.25) 8/23 11:15, 11:45, Project Planning, attempting to get parcel data, talking to Steve (.5) 9/26, 12:45,1:00, Project Planning,, talking to Steve, Sherry, Monica (.25) 9/27, Field Assessment, 8.5 9/28, Field Trip, 4.5? 9/29 1:00,3:00, Data Analysis, GIS Fun (2) 10/13, 4:30,6:00, Data Analysis, Compiling Species List Table (1.5) 10/15 9:15,3:00, Data Analysis, Map making 5.45) 10/16, 10:30,11:00, Stakeholder Interviews, (.5) 11:25, 2:00 Stakeholder Interviews,1.5) 3:24,4:20, Stakeholder Interviews, Organzing, talking to Lou and Lenny. Finally! (1) 10/20 8:45, 9:10, Talking to Mark Maghini (.5) 10/20, 12:30, 12:45 Talking to Frank Domain (.25) 10/21 8:40,12:10, Report Writing, (3.5) 10/21, 12:45, 1:50, Report Writing, Talk w/ Mark, writing (1) 10/21, 2:00, 3:45, Report Writing.... (1.75) 10/22, 8:35, 9:35, Report Writing (1) 10/22, 2:30,5:30, Data analysis (3) 10/22, 7:40,10:40, Report writing, Indesign Layout (3) 10/23, 8:14, 9:31 Report Writing, Editing (1.25) 10/23, 2:00,3:40, Report Writing, Printing mostly (1.75) 10/29, 9:00,9:45, Report Writing, Proofreading proofreading with ma (.75) 11/11, 10:00, 10:30, Report Writing PrintPrep (.5) 11/13, 8:45, 9:30, Planning and Organizing, Report and data organization and archiving, invoicing