Online Classes Work log 000197004 1/23 11:00-12:00 Meeting with Ida, Mike, Wendy, Will (1) 1.5 2/28 (25 min) communication with Ida (.25) Interview with Norm Myers (2) Interview with Jon Erickson (1.5) Purchase of hard drive (.5) 3 5/2 8:30-11:30 Jon's class film, editting work. (3) 10:15-11:30 Myers edit/upload (1.25) 6.25 ALL ENTERED as 9.5 on 5/5 and 5/6 6/4/08 8:00-11:00 Meeting with Will, Ida, working on intro videos (3) 12:30-5:30, editing! (5) 12 6/9 (30 min) Perian fun (.5) .75 6/10 (45 min) Compressing fun (.75) 1 6/18 (45 min) Titles (.75) 1.25 6/19 (20 min) Sending to Ida (.3) 6/20 (5 min) Email to Azur (.1) .75 7/17 (25 min - communication with Ida, picking up DVD) (.5) .75 7/23 (5 min email Ida/Azur) 7/24 11:00-12:30 Fucking around with no success. (1.5) 2.25 7/31 8:00-12:00, 2:00-2:45 (4.75) 7 8/13 30 min Communication with Ida, Matt Sayre, Walter @ Journal... (1.75) 1.25 hr DVD/Compressing fun 4.5 8/25 .25 Responding to Matt Bott (.25) .37 8/28 8:25-11:25 Paper (3) 4:15-6:00 Paper (1.75) 8:15-8:45 Paper (.5) 7.5 10/7 8:40,9:00, Trying to get shit organized (.25) .37 10/14, 1:10, 1:40,LBD Paper Work (.5) .75 10/16, 8:30, 10:15 LBD Paperwork (1.75) 2.5 10/17, 1:15, 2:05, Josh DVD (.75) 1.1 10/17, 2:15,4:15, Tansania talk recording (2) 3 10/20, 11:00,12:05, JoshDVD (1) 12:05,12:30, Attempting Myers (.5) 2.25 10/21 8:25,8:35, Reserving equipment (.25) .37 10/28, 2:22, 3:15, Futzing buying cable uploading Josh video to Ida fixing Leading By Design Website (1) 1.5 10/29, 11:30,11:50 Tanzania (.25) .25 10/30 12:30, 1:00, Tanzania (.5) . 10/30, 4:40, 5:10, LBD Blurb and Tanzania (.5) 1.5 11/8, 10:15, 11:20, Editing TerryLecture (1) 1.5 11/10 8:55, 9:05, Uploading to Ida (.25) 11/10, 9:00, 10:30, Terry Lecture (1.5) 11/10, 10:30, 11:00, Trying to figure out stupid Amadeus (.5) 11/10, 2:20, Uploading file (.25) (3.75) 11/19, 9:00,10:00, LBD,Meeting with Matt Sayre (1) 1.5