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The 3rd Annual Trails Symposium was be held on October 24th in Castleton, VT. For more information about what the event was all about, visit the symposium page.

Vermont Trails System Applications are now available

Trails & Greenways Manual

VTGC Mission

The Vermont Trails & Greenways Council seeks to ensure that people will always have access to adequate land and water-based trails and greenways.

Vermonters and visitors continue to taketo the roads and trails on foot, bicycles, horses and machines in increasing numbers. Our trails and greenways provide a bounty of benefits beyond the pleasure of recreation. More and more people are taking personal responsibility for their fitness and discovering the benefits of regular walking. Bicycling to work has seen a large jump particularly since the increase in gasoline prices. People of all ages are learning about Vermont's natural and cultural heritage through an increasing variety of trail-based educational programs. Neighbors and friends in every Vermont community enjoy the social benefits of trails that connect important public places such as schools, parks and forests.

              Our dedication to nurturing the creation of Vermont's trails and greenways and protecting them from demise continues. Our diverse membership continues to work in concert on important issues such as increasing funding for trail planning and development, protecting the public rights-of-way, easing regulatory permitting, and fostering good landowner relationships. We continue to provide important planning and educational resources through our newsletter, publications, website and our trails tracks at the Governor’s Conference on Recreation in October.

              To remain a viable force in shaping the future of Vermont recreation, VT&GC needs to maintain an active membership and continue foster partnerships with the private, public and non-profit interests. We will continue to fulfill and expand our statutory designation as an advisory council to state government and increase our membership and participation among local municipalities and trail related commercial interests. We are actively recruiting new members and contributors so that we can expand the services of the council and strengthen our staff support. Please take a minute to consider joining and supporting the Vermont Trails and Greenways Council so that we can keep up our important work.

Dear Trails and Greenways Friends,

This spring, despite the ravages of winter, thousands of miles of trails will be open for use across the Green Mountain State. As you get out there cleaning them up and enjoying them, consider their impact on your life and your community, and consider joining the Trails & Greenways Council in our work to support trail recreation in Vermont.

The diverse membership of the Council represents every kind of trail use, from human-powered to animal-powered to motorized, on dirt, snow, and water. Trails contribute positively to Vermont’s economy, health, landscape, and lifestyles, and the Council is working to strengthen the Vermont trails community and support trail recreation across the state.

Here are some of the exciting projects we’re working on together:

    • Vermont Trails Symposium. Launched last year and expanded to a two-day event this year, the Symposium is a fun way to learn new skills, meet other trail folks, and find out who’s winning awards for their excellent trail projects.
    • Vermont Trail System. After a lengthy review process that led to many improvements, we’re now accepting new applications for inclusion in this program to develop and promote excellent trails across the state
    • Vermont Trails & Greenways Manual. This excellent reference is being mailed this spring to all our Trails & Greenways friends. (If you haven’t received one by May 15, or need additional copies, contact It’s also available as a pdf document.) This newly-updated manual contains everything you need to know about getting a trail established and supported in your community, including tips about how to approach landowners, where to look for funding, how to motivate volunteers, how to safeguard a riparian ecosystem, and what technical resources are at your disposal. It’s chock full of tried-and-true tips, and is a great example of how members of the Trails & Greenways Council are working collectively to advocate for trail recreation in Vermont.

      If you love a particular trail, or spend free time participating in some form of trail-based recreation, consider joining us in our efforts to keep the trails community well-informed and well-supported. Here are some ways you can get involved:
      • Join your local trail organization as a volunteer, a dues-paying member, or bot
      • Talk to your select board about turning an unmaintained Class 4 road into a designated trail
    Hope to See You Out There!
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