Bedell Bridge State Site to Ompompanousuc Landing

Starting Date: 
Monday, July 29, 2024
Starting Location: 
Bedell Bridge State Site
Days On The River: 

Four of us paddled 30 miles over three days in two canoes. Great River Outfitters rented us canoes and shuttled us twice from its location in Windsor, Vermont (south of our trip). Nicky and Craig are the owners and were very helpful.

We put in at Beddel Bridge (bridge is long gone of course) in NH and stayed at Underhill Campsite (VT) and at Roaring Brook Campsite (VT). The second one was very nice, open with short-cut grass and three picnic tables. We swam in the river before making dinner, which lifted our energy. We were 40 feet below a road and RR siding but there was little traffic. A cold brook crosses under the tracks, and we could fill up water bottles after filtering.

Underhill was closed in, though high on a bank above the river. The water level was low, and we used a fire-wood path-through-the-mud, to get us to the bank. It rained buckets over night, but we were dry in our two tents.

Both sites have privies.

The river is bordered largely by corn fields and wetlands over this stretch. The flow was modest, though on the 3rd day, the flow enabled us to make about 3 mph and reach our pull-out at Ompomponousuc before noon. There was a fair amount of flotsam in the flow.

We paddled at the end of July and saw 9 canoes (8 in one group), an outboard, and a few pontoon boats. We had no competition for tent sites.

The wetland areas bordering the river were frequent and interesting. Some appear to receive little human traffic. We saw lots of bird-life: egrets, swallows, kingfishers (maybe?), great blue herons, turkey vultures, two raptors that I think were eagles, and osprey. And of course much insect life. Frogs and crickets were heard at night.

The Connecticut River Paddlers Map was very helpful. We could follow our course by picking out from the map bridges, turns, wetlands, tributary streams (sometimes quite small), close-by roadways, hills and cliffs, campsites, ramps and landings, etc. The map omits RR tracks and RR bridges, by the way. The "landings" were tough to find. I missed two of them, but figured out our path in any case. We found our pull-out fine. We did need to cross under a very low RR bridge to get to it; fortunately, the water was not too high.

A very enjoyable trip.

Tom Kelly

Stewardship needs: 
Picnic table at Underhill has gone; a boater said it had washed down the river a bit ago.