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Our Current and Recent Work

2,560-foot access on the
Nulhegan River

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Sherry Belknap accepts a check for the easement from VRC's Executive Director Steve Libby.
Sherry Belknap accepts a check for the easement from VRC's Executive Director Steve Libby.
Meander corridor conserved on the Simpson farm, Ayers Brook, north of Randolph.

First River Corridor Easement
acquired on Ayers Brook

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Meander corridor conserved on the Simpson farm, Ayers Brook, north of Randolph. Ayers Brook will now be able to release its energy naturally and move back and forth in its corridor.
Easement for camping, canoe access and fishing conserved on the
Lower Nulhegan River

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Sherry Belknap and Steve Libby talk at the access easement area to the Nulhegan River
Hancock Brook A 1.7 acre parcel in Worcester along Hancock Brook including a swimming hole and waterfall have been successfully conserved ! Learn more…


Successful protection of a parcel in the Headwaters of the Winooski North Branch. Learn more…

Headwaters of the Winooski North Branch

Connecticut River Campsite


Strategic Assessment Completed for an Upper Connecticut River Water Trail. Read the report here and view a planning map in Google Earth here

VRC is working with partners all over the state to protect exceptional places along rivers and other Vermont waters. There is so much to do-but we need your help to do it!

What could be more important for future generations of Vermonters than clean water and healthy lands along rivers, lakes, and wetlands?

VRC is working -- right now -- throughout Vermont to protect and improve water quality and to protect the wildlife habitat, natural areas, and water lands (forests, wetlands, shores and beaches, parks, forests and farms) that Vermont communities enjoy.

We need your help to aggressively pursue our active conservation projects in the Deerfield, Winooski, Lamoille, Otter Creek, Connecticut River, and Lake Champlain watersheds.

We are putting new strategies into action to protect clean water for drinking, swimming, and fishing in, water that wildlife depends on. Each of our current projects is protecting wildlife habitat for fish, mammals, birds and all the rich assortment of plants and animals that compose Vermont’s natural places along our waters.

Otter Creek

In our projects, we are also working responsibly to protect public access and the human connection with water. Our active projects are ensuring that access is well managed and that education flourishes.

Because of our work protecting land through purchase and the establishment of voluntary land protection agreements with landowners, we are safeguarding a better future for the generations that come after us.

We welcome you as a conservation partner. We need your support. This work is a cost-effective investment in a great future for our people and our land, and we thank you for joining us.

We currently have water/land protection efforts along the:

  • Nulhegan River Corridor – various parcels (Bloomfield)
  • Vermont River Management Program – River Corridor Easements, various parcels (statewide)
  • Terrill Gorge –Second Parcel (Morrisville)
  • Center Pond Shoreline (Newark)

We will only be able to protect these special places in Vermont with your support.

Thank You!


page updated page updated 11/05/08 by Zephyr Sites