Site Steward:
Volunteer Site Adopter :
42° 27' 30.528" N, 72° 35' 25.944" W
See map: Google Maps
Constructed in 2016 by the Appalachian Mountain Club, on land owned by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Accommodates up 10 - 12 campers and four tents on tent platforms and has a privy as well. Stays are limited to two consecutive nights. Registration is recommended at: Campers must bring their own water or means of water purification.
River Mile (Sea To Source):

Campsite Status:
Sat, 09/23/2017 - 06:53
A quick evening paddle and
A quick evening paddle and overnight (9/04/17) on the river to experience the nearly full moon over the water and check out the new campsite. Success on both accounts.
Thu, 08/08/2019 - 00:09
This site has the nicest privy I've ever seen!
Okay, there's more to this campsite than a nice privy. It has a staircase up the bank for access, no picnic tables, but 2 very large tent platforms and the aforementioned privy, which is fully enclosed and state of the art. No fires allowed. The area is very nice. You could hear some road noise, but not too much.
Mon, 06/01/2020 - 15:33
Nice campsite but not good for hammocks.
We used this campsite on Saturday. There were lots of trees down in the river and we couldn't find the usual Connecticut River Paddlers Trail sign. After reading the comments, we realized the stairs led to the site. It was a long climb up to the site with our gear but worth it. The tent platforms are great and as noted above, so is the privy. We both camp with hammocks and there were no trees in the site big enough to support a hammock for an adult. Thankfully, we both have hammock stands (Tensa 4) that worked great on the tent platforms.